Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Christmas Pretties
Ok well what have I been's been a busy 10 days or so looking after my family as my 5 year Molly got a sickness bug going around which my 2 year Megan had a couple of weeks ago so now that's out of the way we are all on the mend and looking forward to all the Christmas festivities. This Friday is the schools Christmas Fete...I had a stall/table last year where the children could write a letter to Santa, make a card and decorate an ornament for the was packed and all the children loved it! This year though with my little ones being poorly, I didn't volunteer but we will go along and join in the fun!! I made this little box with another one of Regina's gorgeous templates but I made it bigger to hold lots of mini candy canes. My daughters love candy canes! Regina also has a fabulous freebie right now called Christmas Daily, it's huge and Regina is kindly giving it away for Thanksgiving!!! It's now on her blog and the link has been extended through midnight Thankgiving.
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Sweet Snowballs
Mmmm I love these Cadbury Snowballs...well actually they're called Snow Bites...they are yum! M&S do them too which are just as nice and Lindt make them but I haven't tried those yet! My daughters love fact they love anything with chocolate their Mama!!
I used one of Regina's amazing templates and tags...these are so easy to use and Regina has so many wonderful designs go take a lookie! I couldn't resist Heather's gorgeous paper from her kit Reindeer of my favourites and sooooo cute!
Template & Tag - The Cutting Cafe': Christmas
Papers -Heather Ann Designs, Inc.

Had a lovely Saturday, my SIL came over for lunch with the triplets as my brother was working, then on Sunday we went over to them and went to a carvery for roast...we found a cute little sweet shop when we were out but it was closed :( I love sweet shops!! Then my little one Megan had a tummy bug and was sick all through Sunday night and Monday poor lil' sweetie. She had a temperature last night but slept through and today she said she a tummy ache but seems to be back to her little self again jumping on my bed singing 'Ring 'o' ring of roses...yep she's better!!! My sweet friend Caroline ;) *wink* came to my rescue and took my 5 year old Molly to and from school yesterday and today.
I used one of Regina's amazing templates and tags...these are so easy to use and Regina has so many wonderful designs go take a lookie! I couldn't resist Heather's gorgeous paper from her kit Reindeer of my favourites and sooooo cute!
Template & Tag - The Cutting Cafe': Christmas
Papers -Heather Ann Designs, Inc.

Alrighty I'm off to do some's been neverending these last few days!!
((((Hugs)))) to you all ;) x
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Christmas Baubles
I love Christmas baubles...I have the cutest set from Disney with all the characters on....I always stock up in the Christmas shop in Magic Kingdom when we go to Florida and end up coming home with tons of Disney Christmas stuff as they have new ones out all the time...Christmas has spread into my daughters bedrooms!! I couldn't resist this Christmas Baubles quickpage from capturing some of our Christmas memories...I had to have it!!! These are last years pics.
Molly trapped her fingers in the door today just before bed so we have some swollen, bruised fingers. A Little Miss Sunshine ice pack and some calpol did the trick and now our princess is sleeping soundly. It's school photos tomorrow so it has to be better by then!

Night night everyone...I'm off to bed's been a long day!! :) x
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Baby it's cold outside
It was 2 degrees here this morning!! My daughter went to the most magical twilight birthday party this was like something out of Peter Pan! The party was at this gorgeous farmhouse which backs onto woods with little steps leading down through the woods with twinkling lights dotted in the trees and a huge bonfire for them to toast marshmallows! It was so magical and beautiful!
Been busy getting this years Christmas cards ready, I usually do one with a pic of the girls....I like to start early and get organised! That is the aim anyway!
Chat to you soon!
Hugs, Bonnie :) x
Been busy getting this years Christmas cards ready, I usually do one with a pic of the girls....I like to start early and get organised! That is the aim anyway!
This is this years Christmas card I think (it may change)...I love the cute picture of my daughters being silly even though Megan's hair is messy and Molly said she was dressed as an Indian Princess! I used the same card a couple of years ago with a different pic see below.
This was Christmas 2008 card again they were being silly and I prefer these pictures over posed ones.
Lastly this one was Christmas 2007. I like this card as you can tell as I used it again this year! Designs by http://http// and
Chat to you soon!
Hugs, Bonnie :) x
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Jingle Bells
'Twas the night before Christmas....I love this Christmas poem and I love this digital kit by Zoe Pearn...such pretty colours.
My little ones were back at school/nursery today and I was like a lost lamb again! I never know what to do with myself when they are away from me. I did some housework....had a latte and then did some blog hopping...then before I knew it, it was time to pick up my youngest Megan from Nursery!! I always feel like this after half-term or holidays until I get back into a routine again! I have lots to think about in the run upto Christmas as my daughter Molly's birthday is on Christmas Day so I need to think about her party....where to have it and when! I try and get it as close to Christmas Day as possible and as I am super busy at Christmas anyway, my daughter usually gets something easy like adventure play or a party hosted somewhere where they do everything for you including party bags etc. Then we just have to turn up!!! It will probably be the same again this year as I normally have enough to organise and although I would like it different and do it's just too much!
Hope you're having a fun Monday!
Hugs, Bonnie :) x

Hope you're having a fun Monday!
Hugs, Bonnie :) x
Lil' pumpkins
My 2 little pumpkins and I have been sick with colds and coughs this week....lil' Megan my 2 year old kept getting a temperature and didn't eat a thing for 4 days just drank milk poor lil' honey....we are on the mend now and back to school tomorrow :( that didn't stop us enjoying the festivities!! We had NO trick-or-treaters last night...NONE, I just wanted my little girls to see just one! 2 years ago when we lived in London, we had loads but since moving here we don't get any. Well we had one the first year we moved here so I gave them all the treats and they were like "this is awesome"! So we now have a big bowl of treats sat by the front door.....I'll probably take them to the nursery or school before I eat them myself! Hubby bought a huge box of Krispy Screams home last we all had a feast on them!!! Anyway here are the last of my Halloween cards!! Pictures taken at night so excuse the photography.

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